Saturday, July 20, 2013

Two New Baptisms for CCEN

What a joy to be able to celebrate two baptism today. We are fortunate to have a local church that was willing to let us use their baptismal tank. Jael and Renato are two youth in our church. I have had the privilege of knowing Jael since our days back in Venezuela, where I baptized her sisters at the IBM Church. Renato came to Madrid from Peru to be with his mother. It is a great joy to witness their public profession of faith. Renato is looking forward to helping with our sound and music ministry at church.
 Renato and Peter
Church celebration after the service

Monday, July 15, 2013

Sing with the Ramon y Cajal Choir

Did you know that most of the hospitals in Spain have their own choir? I have been with the Ramon y Cajal choir now for almost a year. We have our practices on Thursday afternoon. We will practice at the hospital but most of our performances will be at a cathedral in Madrid. Our big performance this year was in June at the San Andres Cathedral in Madrid. Check out this video of our July Concert.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Cipriano de Valera 2013 & 9 Marks

Our First 9 Marks Conference in Spain

It was great to have Mark Dever in Spain for our first 9 Marks conference. Mark was invited to Spain to speak at Cipriano de Valera 2013. This is a conference for reformed minded pastors and lay leaders in Spain. We were able to share promote two of the 9 Marks books that Peter has been coordinating the translation and publication.Mark gave an overview of  the charertisitcs of an effective discipleship ministry in the local church. We have a sweet time of fellowship and discussion.  The two books that we promoted at the conference are available in pdf format the the 9 Marks web page. Check out La Disciplina en la Iglesia & La Membrecia de la Iglesia
After the conference Peter enjoyed travel with Mark and Jamie Owens to Toledo and down town Madrid.

Mark shares a word about the new book on Church Discipline