Thursday, September 26, 2013

Peter's First Visit to Southeastern

One of the benefits of  staying with our son Ben in Hopewell, VA is that it is only a two hour drive over to Wake Forest. Today Peter was able to attend the first 9 Marks en EspaƱol @ Southeastern Seminary at Wake Forsest. He was able to meet many of the Spanish pastors who were attending as well as those leading the pannel discussion. Peter was able to coodinate with Wayne Anderson from Faro de Garcia to set up a book table. Great time of fellowship with Ryan Townsend, Juan Sanchez, and Edgar Pontes.
Juan Sanchez at Southeastern in Wake Forest, NC

Saturday, September 7, 2013

27 Churches and 44 Families

We have started our road trips to visit our supporting churches and families. While we are in the USA we will try and visit as many of our partners as possible. Today we are in Perry, Florida. We are here in town to visit with Peter's aging parents as well as to speak Sunday at St John's Christian Fellowship. On this trip we will be gone for three weeks and may pass thru as many as 20 different states. So glad the weather is so nice.

We are glad for the opportunity to be with Peter's parents. Peter's dad has not been doing well and we are happy to be able to help out in anyway we can. Thanks for so many of you that have been praying for dad and mom. What a treat to be with them and also other family here in Perry. We also had the joy of traveling to Perry with our daughter Melissa. Reminded us of older times!

Sharon and Melissa with mom, dad and nephew MJ and his daughter Emma