Monday, March 17, 2014

Mahogany tree update at Camp Chuparipal

When we left for Venezuela Peter had a bad sciatic nerve pain. But thankfully by the end of camp he was able to take a hike up to see how the mohogany trees were doing that we planted back in 1995. Hopefully in ten more year the camp will be able to start harvesting some of them.

  Peter next to one of the mahogany trees. 

Peter and Mario, youth from Lily church and now a police man.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Trip to Venezuela Feb 25 - Mar 11

We had a great time to Venezuela with no major difficulties. Great to be back in Carupano and at Camp Chuparipal. Thanks to Alejandro for getting us at the airport in Barcelona and for Jose driving to and from Carupano. Check our newsletter for more details.
 Peter spoke at Buen Pastor on Wednesday evening

With Costal Churches President Remigio and wife Maria Zorilla

Sharing with pastor Pedro Acosta

 Peter with Jose and Remigio